Zemi Dreigiau

Zemi Dreigiau

Character Information

Nickname(s): Lord Dragon, Grandpa, Old Fossil
Author: Aywren
Creation: August 1, 2001
Debut: Chapter 23, Page 24
Race: Arweinydd/Dragon
Origins: DS Dimension
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 4”
Hair Color: Fiery Opal White
Eye Color: Teal Laced with Silver
Significant Other: AsaHi Ya
Children: M-KluYa, Sero Dreigiau, Sedo Dreigiau, Turlough (Luck) Dreigiau
Occupation: Blue Planet Patron
Residence: Borderlands
Birthday: August 1

Though he’s commonly thought to be an Arweinydd, the truth of Zemi’s heritage reveals him to be the son of an Arweinydd/Dragon-kin pairing, born in the Time Before. His mother was the Dragon-kin, Siri, while his father, Kaz, was an Arweinydd.

Technically, this makes Zemi a Sygnus who harbors the power of the Dragon-kin – hence why the Sygni born to his line remain balanced and uncorrupted as the Sygni of old often were.

Time Before

In the Time Before, most Dragon-kin considered Arweinydd nothing more than an energy source to consume. So, the fact that a child could be born of the two races was significant in proving that Arweinydd have the innate potential to become a sentient living creature in the right environment.

This knowledge brought danger as the events that led up to the Mistake began to unfold. For Zemi’s protection, he was passed off as a normal Arweinydd, and sealed within the protective dimensional pocket that protected the few Others who survived the downfall of that age.


In the time leading up to the tales of Dreigiau, Zemi was one of the few Arweinydd to journey outside of the protective dimensional pocket. Likely, his hybrid heritage was part of the pull he felt to seek out the Living Worlds – in particular, what later became the Nefolian World.

There, he was taken in and taught by a friendly tribe of Dragon-kin, which would in later ages come to live at Dragon Haven. He also encouraged others of his kind to explore the living world, and took on the concept of siblings, claiming Zazo and Zeni as sisters, and Zerom as a brother.

As his connection to the living world grew, Zemi’s own potential and power also grew. Ever curious and friendly, he reached out to the native Earthian peoples, eventually establishing himself as a Guide to a small clan in the Inner Realms.

From them, he chose a Champion, ZenToYa, and inspired the creation of true city settlements, such as Nefol. As his influence among the people grew, so too did the phenomenon of Awakening among the people. This led to the establishment of a floating city called Ceiswyr, where the Awakened could peacefully live separate from those who were not yet ready to accept the call of the Dreigiau.

Zemi also experimented with reviving Earthians who faced a fatal moment as Dragon servants of his own. These Dragons resided in the city of Wyndor, far apart from the other cities.

Eventually, Zemi fell in love with an Earthian named AsaHi, and he crafted a person-form in order to be able to better interact with her. This caused alarm among the other Arweinydd, who saw this shift as a move towards potential Chaos (which it was not). It also gave Zerom, who was envious of Zemi’s power and influence, an excuse to make a move against him.

This battle culminated in the creation of the Dark Sygnus Luccious, which brought about the downfall of Zemi’s creations. In a move for survival, the remaining Nefolians who were allied with Zemi travelled through a Wayrift to the world that became known as Runne.


The people of Runne, once Nefolians, suffered under the curse of the Dark Sygnus, forgetting their previous lives, and ultimately, forgetting Zemi. Coming to a strange new world, one where no one remembered him, greatly depowered Zemi.

Zemi continued to reach out to SoYa, the one Nefolian who was determined to try to unravel the truth of his people’s past. However, Zerom’s influence was felt upon this world, and the threat of Luccious loomed over them all.

After the death of SoYa, who was bonded with AsaHi during their lifetime on Runne, Zemi once again revealed himself to AsaHi, and helped her to remember her time from the Nefolian world. The two rekindled their love for one another, and they had a child who bore the potential of a Sygnus – KluYa.

Still, the state of Runne continued to deteriorate, and in the end, Zemi was defeated by the coming of Luccious.

Blue Planet

Zemi survived defeat at the Dark Sygnus’ hands, but was too weak to influence anything for the betterment of the plight of his people. They escaped a shattered Runne to a deep sleep on the Red Moon, which orbited the Blue Planet for an undeterminably long amount of time.

What was left of the Nefolians and Runnians became known as Lunarians.

Zemi had breif communications with KluYa, and passed his power and knowledge to his son, encouraging him to create the elemental Crystals of the Blue Planet. There, Zemi’s essence was sealed within the Crystals. Zemi also granted KluYa the power of Sygnus, which was later divided up and gifted to KluYa’s sons.


Zemi had only a very small part to play in the Shimmer storyline. Namely, he’s the one who sent Aur to keep watch over Ben.


By the time of Wayrift, Zemi’s awareness had been resting and regaining power. He was able to reach out to Chase (Aur), and instruct the boy on how to release his essence from the last sliver of Ben’s crystal, Incrytan.

Once released into the world, Zemi was united with family from both dimensions.

While he has a favorable relationship with his dimensional son, Aiden KluYa, his connection with his grandsons – namely Ben and Zeb – is a bit more complicated.

During a story arc within Wayrift, Zemi’s power was stripped from him, leaving him to experience life as an Earthian would. This provided him with a completely new point of view, one that allowed him to connect all the more to the Blue Planet once he regained his power – he then became something known as an Earthanydd.

Zemi eventually resides permanently in the Borderlands, where he fashions a replica of his floating islands – Ceiswyr – above the Cottage. Over the years, various other individuals have come to take up residence in Zemi’s replicated haven, which pleases him greatly.


Zemi is the father of several sons – both known and unknown – and is very dedicated to his children and grandchildren.

  • KluYa (DS) – The first son of AsaHi and Zemi, born during the Runne era. Father to Cecil and Ben.
  • Sero and Sedo – The Matron Dragon of the Blue Planet stole Zemi’s genetic essence (without his knowledge) in order to create full-Dragon offspring. Only two of the clutch survived, brothers Sero and Sedo. They were passed off as humans, living on the Blue Planet, and Zemi was not aware of their existence until they were young adults.
  • Turlough (Luck) – The second (unexpected) son of AsaHi and Zemi, born during the Wayrift era.

Skills and Abilities

Dragon Form

Though passed off as Zemi’s soul-creature form, his Dragon form is more likely an expression of his Sygnus awakening. It is pure white with a body-length mane and teal blue eyes.

He can manifest his Dragon form in different sizes, depending on what he needs to do with it.

Tiny Dragon – A “cute” Dragon form, about the size of a cat, often used to amuse or charm others, or break the ice for when he thinks his other forms might be too frightening for someone.

Small Dragon – About the size of a horse, also used for non-threatening interaction and easy traversal of human locations.

Mid-Sized Dragon – Used for interacting with people in particular, sized well for riding. Can be used for smaller battles.

War Dragon – Huge battle Dragon. Used for… well... large battle.

Creation Magic (‘Esgor-ar)

Zemi is very skilled in the arts of creation magic, which has historically lent itself to the creation of his own Dragons, and to granting the Awakening of Earthians. However, since the passing of the days of Nefol, Zemi’s refrained from his use of creation magics on individuals – he’s come to understand that not everyone suddenly wants a pair of shiny wings.

His tendency towards creation does make him a very good gardener, however, and Zemi puts a lot of love and care to the flower gardens of the Borderlands and his floating islands.

Original (Very Old) Concept Art

Very first concept art of Zemi, drawn in class on notebook paper. Drawn 8-1-01.
First full colored Zemi concept profile art. Drawn shortly after his original concept piece on 8-9-01.
Zemi sometimes had dragon wings in old RP chats. That never carried forward, but it was interesting!
Zemi looking at some sparkling starlight.
Zemi’s Earthian story arc originally started with him being Drake’s captive, just like the more modern Wayrift adaptation.
Concept art of Zemi and young M-KluYa. This, sadly, never actually happens in the story.
Zemi in a zoot suit. I have no idea. I just thought it was fun to include.
The first concept of AsaHi with Zemi. Originally, she was designed as “Zemi’s girl” and didn’t have a name at this point.

Dreigiau/Wayrift Era Concept Art

Early Dreigiau main cast concept.
Zemi Dragon with SoYa and AsaHi.
Zemi (not Dragon) with SoYa and AsaHi.
Early cover art for Dreigiau of Zemi and AsaHi.
Okekaki art of Zemi and his pop tarts.
Cover art for Dreigiau of sleeping Zemi and AsaHi.
Zemi Dragon and AsaHi - hit count celebration art.
Silly Zemi Dragon rolling in the grass.
Aiden, Ben, and Zemi work together to build a crystal Dome add-on to the Cottage in the Borderlands.
Cover art of Zemi and AsaHi for book 3 of Dreigiau.
Zemi guiding Ben through a magical exploration in Wayrift – and proof that neither were aware of Zemi’s heritage.
Zemi profile art circa 2007.
Cover art of AsaHi, SoYa, and Zemi for book 5 of Dreigiau - back when Dreigiau was 5 books instead of 4.
Pixel art of Aiden and Zemi Dragon sleeping.
Zemi profile picture for Dreigiau, circa 2010.
Chibi Zemi Dragon that I use for tutorial art.
Sad Zemi and SoYa from Chapter 1 of Runne.

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