Chapter 6 Page 8


Ben: What is this..? You think everything I do has some strange mystical meaning to it?
Leona: With you.. I don't know whether you are making a sandwich, or conjuring up some eVVViL spell!
Ben: Maybe both...
Leona: *frowns* I'll bet you don't even KNOW the first thing about making sandwiches! You can't even eat your food right!
Ben: When someone sticks a few peppers into the mix... The food would hit the floor instead of the mouth. **
Leona: *smiles evilly* Just the way I like it...
Ben: But you wouldn't know anything about that...
Leona: Who meeee?
Ben: Didn't think so.
** One of Leona's first and favorite pranks was to put hot peppers in Ben's ice cream.