Chapter 5 Page 7


Benjamin Ya
Zeb Ya


Zeb: *fits the helm back on*

Ben: *staring directly into Zeb's eyes* What.. sort of test.. is this...?

Zeb: You are correct... although your lack of action against the enemy... is distasteful, don't you think, Golbez?...

Ben: I have learned action is not always thebest course to pursue. Last time I saw this vision, I failed my own rite of passage upon the mountain.** I will not strike so quickly again..

Zeb: Rite of passage? *laughs* On the mountain? *spits* Your father gave his only light away to Cecil.. the only thing left is darkness.. I will convince you of this, my brother.

** This refers back to a chapter in the Coming of the Darkstar storyline in which Ben undergoes a trial much like the one Cecil did on Mt. Ordeals. However, due to Ben's rash actions, he slayed his darker side and failed the test.

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