Chapter 1 Page 7


Aiden KluYa
Benjamin Ya
Leona Pollendina
Professor Kory


Leona: Enough of this Moonar talk!

KY: Lunar.

Leona: Whatever you are, buddy!

KY: My name is not Buddy. *straight face*

Leona: Well.. what is it?

KY: *looks at Ben* ~I do not know whether I should say anything...~ Aiden...

Leona: Aiden? That sounds too normal for a Lunarian! What happened to Krezsoboz.. or Rekarekajarrablu?

Ben: *lowers voice, somewhat embarrassed* Leona... *gives KY a weak face* Forgive the girl... she is... a bit eccentric?

Kory: Leave it to a Lunar to be rude with introductions... I am Professor Korio, owner of the Astro Tower of Agart... and this is my lowly bondservant...

KY: Wait! Kory! Don't..

Kory: *puts his hand up in KY's face* Aiden KluYa.

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