Chapter 1 Page 6


Aiden KluYa
Benjamin Ya
Leona Pollendina
Professor Kory


Ben: *confused look* You... know these people?

Leona: This is Uncle Kory. He used to hang around Dad during those boring meetings... always talking crazy about spacemen who lived on the moon. **

Kory: *snorts* Imagine that.

Leona: I don't know who the stunted Moonar is..

KY: *corrects* Lunar.

Ben: I see... *chitters slowly in Lunar* {I didn't know there were other Lunars still near the Blue Planet.}

Leona: How about speaking in a language we all understand?

Ben: The language is one thing that proves... the heritage.

KY: *speaks in Lunar with a smirk* {That is not the only thing that proves it.... Golbez.}

Ben: *chokes, eyes widening* What did you say?

** Note: The Kory that Leona knows is from her own dimension, who is different from this alt-dimension Kory. Hence his slight confusion at recognizing her.

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