Introducing Wayrift Speed Paint Videos!

Author: Aywren
Date: March 14, 2025

Here’s something I’ve been keeping under wraps for a while – as of Chapter 90, Page 2, I’ve started recording the process I use to make Wayrift pages! This is usually broken into five phases – roughs, digital inking, flat painting, shadows/highlights/special effects, and lettering.

The phases I’ve chosen to record are digital inking and the shadows/highlights/special effects. This is with the exception of Page 2 – I did record the flat painting for that page, but decided it’s probably not all that interesting to watch, so didn’t record that for future pages.

Anyhow, going forward, I’ll be posting these – two videos per page – on my YouTube channel. I’ve created a playlist to encompass them, which is linked with a button on this site’s sidebar (if you do not see it Shift+Refresh the page). You can also click here!

I’ll also be posting these on Discord and gathering them into a Discord forum master thread. I hope that you’ll find something fun from these videos!


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