Book 3 Page-By-Page Archives Complete!
Date: February 9, 2025
I’m very happy to announce that as of today, all Book 3 Page-By-Page archives are complete!
This was a project I started working through last month with the goal of coding about 10 pages of the comic each day. I’ve been able to stick to this fairly well, releasing the new archives for the most recent book at a steady pace.
I did work backwards from the newest chapter all the way to the Book 3 introduction – mostly because I was hoping to update the newest stuff first. However, going forward, I think I’m going to hop back to Book 1 and tackle the oldest and most dense stuff.
I suspect this is going to take a lot longer to code through, but it will hopefully provide options for new readers who are just coming to the comic from the earliest chapters. Book 2 will, of course, follow once Book 1 is complete.
I’m happy to note that I’ve been able to successfully transfer over all of the old WordPress comments to the new Disqus system along the way. This has restored all the comments that existed through the years – it’s been a treat to glance over these as I’ve been coding each page.
If you have any feedback or find any broken/looping links on these pages, please let me know. Just drop a comment and I’ll look at it right away!