Site Update: All Full-Chapter Archives Improvements Complete!

Author: Aywren
Date: December 30, 2024

I’m very happy to announce that all of the Book 2 full-chapter archives have now been updated with all the page improvements, bringing them up to date with Book 1 and Book 3! This has been an undertaking of several years, something I started coding back in 2022, based on the reader feedback I got that said the full-chapter archives needed some quality-of-life improvements for ease of use.

I wish I had been more diligent about working on these upgrades so that I could have gotten them done sooner. However, I learned some things along the way – some things only this year – that have significantly helped how these pages load and work.

So, on this final day of 2024, I celebrate the completion of this project… only to look forward to the next step of improving usability for the Wayrift site.

As I announced in our last blog post, I will now start working on building out page-by-page archives for each chapter. I’m fairly confident that along with coding individual pages, I’ll be able to import and restore the original comments into Disqus – some of these dating back to 15 years ago!

I was very sad to leave these comments behind when we went to a full chapter a page format, so I’m excited by the prospect of bringing these back as I work through the old archives. That being said, the newer pages could use your thoughts and comments if you think of anything to say (since they are devoid of comments due to not having a page-by-page comment system for a while). We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback going forward!

The next page of Wayrift will drop on New Years Day. Wishing you a great 2025, and hope you’ll enjoy the tales still to come!


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