Book 1 Introduction
Post Date
Oct 16 2002 - Jan 24, 2003 (Artwork updated in 2004)Locations
- Mt. Ordeals - BS Dimension
- Baron - DS Dimension
- Infinite Ways

It is six years after the end of the Crystal Wars, and six years since the Red Moon departed from the skies of the Blue Planet.Having given most of his life to studying the progress of the Red Moon of the Bluestar (BS) dimension, Professor Kory now finds himself left without a vocation, family, or purpose. Wandering alone and following nothing more than a chance rumor, he has journeyed to the one place that seems to draw lost souls – summit of Mt. Ordeals.
It is there that he discovers the mountain's dark secret - a ghost of his past - the entrapped spirit of his once best friend, KluYa.
Meanwhile, in Baron of the Darkstar (DS) dimension, it's been a year since the return of Golbez Benjamin Ya to the Blue Planet. All has been peaceful in the land in which Ben and Leona both live.
Though the two know of each other somewhat, Leona doesn't trust or like the Dark Lord of Baron. And Ben would rather just be left alone to his studies in his tower room than deal with Cid's loud-mouthed, back-talking daughter.
Lately, Ben has noted some suspicious fluxuations in rift energies, which he's investigating. Neither of them know that due to this, their situation is about to drastically change.
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