Intermission 2 Page 2
Archodys: You Earthians are so entranced with such simple fleeting things.
Simon: Yet, you seem rather enticed in our affairs, Arweinydd. *is sitting down, cross-legged on a floating techno-disc chair*
Archodys: Your plans failed, Earthian! Neither of my kin are recaptured, and our only vehicle for capturing them has been unmade!
Simon: *doesn't even look up* It was one of your kind that chose to let them free from imprisonment. Not to mention that your attempt to "remake" Zemi failed as well. I told you that it wouldn't work.
Archodys: What alternative do I have?
Simon: *frustrated sigh* Must I spell everything out for you? You have to destroy him, not remake him. Reduce him to nothing but the most primal of energies. You can't attempt to reset things back that have already been cast.