Chapter 90 Page 4


KY: So why, Fu?
FSY: Why what?
KY: Why did YOU diverge from the plan? Why did you make the Red Moon leave the orbit of the Blue Planet?
FSY: *troubled look* You saw what happened to the Blue Planet due to our presence. Did we try to move things too quickly? Were there just too many unknowns in attempting to join our peoples together? *takes a deep breath* My people... bring with them dangers... ancient dangers... that should not be unleashed upon the humans. And yet, removing ourselves from the orbit has done nothing to avoid that in the end.
KY: Everything was going to be fine... if it wasn't for Zeromus.
FSY: Perhaps for your dimension. Our history is plagued with the wars of Dragons and Arweinydd and Dark Sygni. The Bane and the Chaos. Two worlds were lost to these struggles. If we are a cursed people, we should not curse others.