Chapter 90 Page 2

Post Date: March 14, 2025


Aiden KluYa


FSY: These are the halls of your people, I take it.

KY: *holds a map in his hands as they start to journey* Halls... perhaps that's what the humans call it. What is left of our people slumber within the moon, however.

FSY: What of my dimensional counterpart? If your son left these halls to return to the Blue Planet, did he do so with your brother asleep?

KY: I don't know... *pauses, and then walks on the invisible bridge tile, while then leaning to make the outline visible for Fu to walk across* I don't even know how Zeb was able to return. This wasn't part of the plan.

FSY: I see. *taps his foot on the tile with a frown before continuing on* So we may be alone here. What is the status of your control over the systems of the moon?

KY: *looks at FSY* Not much... not from here. But from the crystal room, I might be able to make a little more of a difference. I'm not an administrator.

FSY: I cannot be certain that I would be recognized by your systems as the administrator, either. I can try, but... *taps his chin, then pauses* This... is so peculiar. *missing his beard*

KY: *chuckles at FSY* Maybe between the two of us, we’ll find a way.

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