Chapter 9 Page 29


Benjamin Ya
Chase Wescott
Leona Pollendina


Ben: *still asleep in bed*

Chase: *sitting next to the bed... watching over Ben*

Leona: *looks at Chase* Oh! HEY CHASE! *gives him a big squishy hug* I never thought I'd be happy to see you, ya little brat!

Chase: X_x

Leona: *cheery* BEN GOT US HOOOOOME!

Chase: Shhhh.... *speaking quietly* He's still sleeping.


Chase Wescott- A young orphaned Baronian Page who has been adopted as Ben's son. Though he is only 9 years old, he is a quiet, well-behaved child who sometimes seems wise beyond his years. He possesses gold colored eyes that are rumored to be able to see only the truth.

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