Chapter 89 Page 13

Post Date: January 24, 2025
Benjamin Ya
Zemi Dreigiau

Archodys: How? *stares closely at Zemi* Zemi’s an Arweinydd! How can he also be a TRUE dragon?
Bahamut: *lets up a low chuckle-growl, dropping from the wall, slowly stalking towards Archodys from the other side* There's still much you don't know, little Arweinydd.
Zemi: Sovereign… *looks at Bahamut with respect* You could have Called the Dragon out of me at any time, couldn’t you?
Bahamut: Comes with the territory.
*Luccious' blade also hums to life, as if in response to Zemi's power returning, a burning brand repelling Archodys' use*
Archodys: Augh! *watches as his hand starts to burn, and is forced to drop the blade*