Chapter 86 Page 13
Aiden KluYa
Benjamin Ya
Leona Pollendina
Kip: Simon is a schemer. He wouldn't provide information if it didn't benefit himself somehow. I don't think he was making it up. I just don't know how it fits.
Ben: *puts a hand on Leona’s shoulder, a little concerned to see her so close to agitated Kip* Maybe you should... you know... give him some room.
Kip: *glances over, aware of what Ben is thinking* I'm not going to harm anyone.
KY: So, Simon’s one of your Underworld contacts?
Kip: Yes and no. Simon always held himself as if he was just one of the group, but I feel certain that everything that happened at Browning Manor, including Browning's... uh... demise... was what Simon wanted to happen. I know very little about him.