Chapter 78 Page 8


LI: I see you’re resolved to make the same mistakes that I did, and for a similar reason. I once believed in what I fought for… I thought I was doing the right thing. No one could have dissuaded me of my path. So I will not stand in your way. *he lifts his hand*
Kip: *watches as the Mist energy draws into him*
LI: Just know that the burden you choose to carry is heavy and the price of using it is heavier. *shimmers away into the Mist*
Kip: *wheezes and clutches his chest as he drops to his knees*
NaTu: *rushes forward* Dad! What happened! Are you alright?
Kip: *nods weakly, then looks at the sword in his hand* I’ve… got it. It’s mine. I can do this.