Chapter 78 Page 3




Kip: Truth is, I should have died. But I was brought back, by the power of the Arweinydd, and sustained on that power.

NaTu: You mean Zemi?

Kip: No… by Zazo. And when Zazo’s power was taken, I was no longer sustained. So, in order to survive, I’ve had to cut some raw deals to get the energy I need. *grimaces* I’m under the thumb of a shady organization. I don’t like it, but…

NaTu: You could tell Master Ben and Master KluYa! I’m sure they could give you other options than this!

Kip: Or they could kill me. *gets back to his feet*

NaTu: You don’t know that.

Kip: Should I risk it? I am their enemy.

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