Chapter 76 Page 11


Aiden KluYa
Benjamin Ya
Leona Pollendina


Leona: *sighs and hands the mage some paperwork* What? Do you think you could just walk right out of the serpent road into Mysidia?

KY: Well... yes... I mean... I developed the technology.

BLM: *looks at him*

KY: In another, parallel world.

BLM: *gives him an even weirder look*

Ben: I suppose they're cracking down on security due to the mage attacks that happened in Baron.

KY: *looking around, showing NaTu* Wow, this is great! *goes through the market* Water-spell in an energy orb. *hands NaTu a vial* Anti-frog potions!

NaTu: Why would anyone need things like this?

Leona: We weren't here to go to the magic-mart!

NaTu: Yeah... *sighs* How are we going to find Dad in a place like this? There's magic everywhere... it's all muddled together.

KY: Perhaps when we cure your father, he might like some of these.

NaTu: If we can cure him.

KY: *looks at NaTu* If Lunar-based medicine can take him apart, then it must be able to put him back together again.

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