Chapter 74 Page 5


Benjamin Ya
Cecil Harvey (DS)
Kain Highwind (DS)


Cecil: This is the first time we've had solid evidence of the attacker.

Kain: Not for lack of my men trying, mind you.

Cecil: No... of course not. OMEGA is not an easy one to catch.

Ben: *murmurs* Easier than you think...

Junior: So what do we do? I figure he's easy enough to chop up without his mindmagic? *looking at one of Cecil's swords on the wall display*

Kain: *eyes Junior* Who's the bright-eyed rookie recruit?

Junior: *jumps from touching one of the swords, sending the display clattering down*

Cecil: *frowns* My first instinct is to put you on polishing duty. But I don't think it works that way.

Junior: It isn't as bad as LP.

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