Chapter 7 Page 9


Leona: I WANT TO GO HOME RIGHT NOW! IF YOU DON'T TAKE ME HOME RIGHT NOW YOU'LL BE SO SORRY! *points down at him* I'LL HAVE DAD BEAT YOU IN WITH HIS HAMMER! *pictures Ben getting smacked flat into the ground by a hammer* Or have Cecil throw you in the deepest pit dungeon in Baron... *pauses, picturing Ben in chains* Or maybe I'll just have Rydia use the Virus spell on you...*
* = This is an inside joke referring to the Golbez battle in the Underground when Rydia comes to rejoin your party. If she was leveled up high enough, when she joined your party again, she'd have the spell Virus, which was (sadly enough) a one-shot defeat for Golbez at that point in the game. :/