Chapter 2 Page 17


Kory: *yawns and flops down on the couch* What a day it's been! From Mt. Ordeals to some little cottage in the middle of nowhere...
Leona: *sits on the other end of the couch* Can we go home soon, Benny? Daddy's gonna get worried about me.
Ben: *peers down at Leona* Just get some rest for now. We'll figure out something in the morning.
Leona: *looks at the big empty spot on the couch and points to it* You coming to sleep, Spinerat?
Ben: Me? Aren't Spinerats awful uncomfortable to sleep near?
Leona: *looks at him with a tough face* Yeah well... We Pollendinas can take it! Come on...
Ben: *thougful look* ... ~She's being nice again. Take it while I've got it, I guess... ~ *walks over and sits the couch next to Leona*
Leona: *gives a big yawn and leans against him, unconsciously as she drools off to sleep*
Ben: Neh!