Chapter 15 Page 16


Benjamin Ya
Zeb Ya


Zeb: You.. being a treasurer of many books and knowledge... do you read the last page of the book and merely accept it as truth? Wouldn't you agree that you have to read the whole story before you understand what it is about?

Ben: Yeah... and you seem to be missing a few pages.

Zeb: *huffs* Fine then... *huddles up* You don't have to believe me. I only hope.. that when you see it -- it isn't too late. Lunarians in my world.. have motives within motives... Just because you choose to see father in a blinding light.. doesn't mean that is what he really is.

Ben: Maybe you do not understand. ...I have been given the chance... to see my father again. Even if he is not really my father... he has treated me with kindness... he has reached out for me and accepted me. My real father is dead. I will never see him again. And you could care less about your own. Your hate is not going to take this away from me...

Zeb: *pauses* Maybe that is because I truly believe he is a threat.

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