Chapter 14 Page 21


Cecil Harvey (DS)
Zeb Ya


Cecil: I don't understand... Why are you doing this? *does try to talk it out before attacking* You have been given a home here... you even have a position... the people trust you... I've trusted you... why? Why would you throw it all away?

Zeb: MWAHAHAHHAAHH! Position.... Trust... Brotherhood... *makes a dark flame in his palm* None of those can truly fill absolute darkness and hatred... *tosses it aside.. causing the picture of Sam and family to crash to the ground* The great experiment has failed, Cecil.

Cecil: Golbez... *struggling... part of him giving into his own mistrust of Golbez, part of him not wanting to believe that Ben would do this* ...Ben... don't do this... don't make me do this...

Zeb: You act as if... *takes Unnamed and swings it down* I WOULD GIVE YOU A CHOICE!

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