Chapter 11 Page 5


Benjamin Ya
Leona Pollendina
Zeb Ya


Ben: *storms across the room, glaring down at Zeb... looking like he wants to yank him off the couch* Yeah... where's Dad!

Zeb: *looks at Ben unconcerned* Where he belongs.

Ben: *teeth grated* And that means...?

Zeb: *stands up to Ben and looks over him with narrowed eyes* I sent the Lunar and the Professor... home.

Ben: *sarcastic voice* How very generous of you. What's the catch?

Zeb: *heads out to the kitchen* That is for you, my dear genius... to figure out.

Ben: *growls, swearing a bit in Lunar at Zeb's back*

Leona: *rolls up her sleeve* Lettme handle this one Ben!

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