Chapter 10 Page 16


Benjamin Ya
Leona Pollendina


(later on)

Leona: *points to the messed up area behind her house* Dad NEVER touches the back wall unless he has to! No one would ever suspect!

Ben: Are you... SURE?

Leona: Pollendinas don't do gardening.

Ben: I can tell. Okay... if you think it'll be safe here. But I'm not at fault if your Dad ends up falling through while we're gone.

Leona: Can't you make it invisible or something?

Ben: I had planned on it. But that doesn't mean people don't accidentally fall through anyhow. You know... people like... *eyes Leona*

Leona: Oh come on, Spinerat! It's not my fault you left your window open!

Ben: Heh... I suppose not...

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