Chapter 10 Page 14


Leona: You have your choice.... You take me.. or Cecil finds out! And I'll tell about your secret stash of Marnie books!
Ben: Erp! Are you really so set on coming with me?
Leona: *starts singing around* Dark Lord Golbez... *cheery face* Loves Marnie! *imagines Ben embarrassed, hugging a Marnie doll* Marnie the purple chocoboooo!
Ben: O_o *covers her mouth* Alright! Alright! But you're following me at your own risk! ~Wonderful...~
Leona: *evil face* I'm glad you see things my way.
Ben: You sure you didn't spend time in Zot?
Leona: What?
Ben: You're better at this stuff than I am!
Leona: *snurgs* Yeah yeah... can it, Spinerat.