Chapter 1 Page 9


Aiden KluYa
Benjamin Ya
Professor Kory


Ben: *looks a bit numb* Free... him from the seal? But... ~Break the seal? That must have been the source of the energy fluctuations that I've been feeling in the Ways...~

Kory: Though, I don't remember you and woman having any tall-white haired kids. *eyes KY suspeciously* Someone's been getting around the galaxy...

KY: *unhappy look*

Kory: Uh... just kidding?

KY: Koriro, he is my firstborn... but from another thread of reality. He is Benjamin Golbez Ya.

Ben: ~He knows...~ *swallows* F-Fa..ther...? *the truth of it sinking in, and takes a few steps back, face growing scared* ~No... no! How can I face him after all that I've done? I'm not ready for this!~

KY: *whispers and reaches his hand forward* Benjamin... *gently* Please don't be afraid....

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