Chapter 1 Page 20


Aiden KluYa
Professor Kory


KY: All it takes is a few calculations... and some data on interdimensional hoppi-

Kory: *cuts KY off* Which is at home, you confounded Craterhead! *holds his hand to his head* Oh woe is me! WOE IS ME! Stuck in a black dimension for the rest of my life with two albinos from the moon! You just had to make that red button! You knew it would do thiiiis!

KY: Calm down Koriro....

Kory: What I would do for just the basics... Food, water, fire, a few babes... and...a mirror to see my beautiful mug....

*mirror appears*

Kory: *happily grabs it* How I missed you, you hunk of a handsome professor you!

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